Special Issues and Articles


Mok, K.H., Kühner, S. and Yeates, N. (2017) Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Responses in Asia, Social Policy & Administration, 51(6).

Mok. K. H. and Kühner, S. (2017) Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Transfer in Asia (Introduction to Special Issue), Journal of Asian Public Policy, 10(1).

Kühner, S., Devine, J. and Nakray, K. (2015)  Meeting Emerging Global Policy Challenges: Positioning Social Policy Between Development and Growth?, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 31(2).

Hudson, J. and Kühner, S. (2013) Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Applied Public Policy Analysis: New Applications of Innovative Methods, Policy and Society, 32(4).


Mumtaz, Z., & Kühner, S. (Accepted for Publication). Towards a Theorization of the Global Community Welfare Regime: Depicting Four Ideal Types of the Community’s Role in Welfare Provision, Journal of European Social Policy.

Kühner, S. (2023) Measuring ‘What?’ and ‘How?’ Welfare Development and the Dependent Variable Problem within East Asian Social Policy Analysis, Melbourne Asia Review, Edition 14, June 2023.

Kühner, S., Hong, I., Ketola, M. & Roumpakis, A. (2023) Editors’ Introduction: Ten years of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (2013-2022)—Taking Stock and Charting A Route Forward, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (First View).

Addae, E., Kühner, S. & Lau, K.W.M. (2023) Social Context of School Satisfaction among Primary and Secondary School Children in Hong Kong, Children and Youth Services Review (First View).

Kühner, S. & Chou, K. L. (2023) To Claim or Not to Claim: Investigating Non-Take-Up of Welfare Schemes Targeting Hong Kong Older Adults and the Stigma Attached to Them, Journal of Social Policy (First View).

Addae, E. & Kühner, S. (2022) How Socioeconomic Status and Family Social Capital Matter for the Subjective Well-being of Young People: Implications for the Child and Family Welfare Policy in Ghana, Journal of Social Policy, 51(4), 876-899.

Yuda, T. K & Kühner, S. (2022). Bringing Indonesia into the global welfare regime debate: A literature review and future research agenda, Asian Social Work & Policy Review, 17(2), 103-114.

Choi, Y. J., Kühner, S., & Shi, S. J. (2022) From “New Social Risks” to “COVID Social Risks:” The Challenges for Inclusive Society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic, Policy and Society, 41(2), 260-274.

Kühner, S., Lau, M., Jiang, J., & Wen, Z. (2021) Personal Income, Local Communities, and Happiness in a Rich Global City: Evidence from Hong Kong, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 14(3), 314-332.

Kühner, S., Lau, M., & Addae A. E. (2021) The Mediating Role of Social Capital in the Relationship between Hong Kong Children’s Socioeconomic Status and Subjective Well-being, Child Indicators Research, 14, 1881-1909 (2021).

Kühner, S., Jiang, J., Lau, M., & Wen (2021) Labour Market Experience, Educational Attainment, and Self-Reported Happiness: Crowding-Out among Young People in Hong Kong?, Journal of Education and Work, 34(3), 275-291.

Yang, N. & Kühner, S. (2020) Beyond the Limits of the Productivist Regime: Capturing Three Decades of East Asian Welfare Development with Fuzzy Sets’, Social Policy and Society, 19(4), 613-627.

Kühner, S. & Chou, K. L. (2020) The Politics of MPF Reform: Lessons from Public Attitudes in Hong Kong, Social Policy and Society, 19(3), 414-430.

Yu, S., Chau, R. & Kühner, S. (2019) Defamilisation and Familisation Risks, Adult Worker Models, and Pro-employment/Decommodification Measures for Women: The Case of Hong Kong, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 35(2), 194-210.

Kühner, S. & Chou, K. L. (2019) Poverty Alleviation, Coverage and Fiscal Sustainability: Investigating the Effect of a New Social Pension in Hong Kong, International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(1), 89-99.

Kühner, S. (2018) Partisan Ideology, Veto Players and Their Combined Effect on Productive and Protective Welfare Policy: How the Left Still Matters? Policy Studies, 39(2), 165-187.

Mok, K.H., Kühner, S. & Yeates, N. (2017) Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Responses in Asia (Introduction to Regional Issue), Social Policy & Administration, 51(6), 845-856.

Mok. K.H., Kühner, S. & Huang, G. (2017) The Productivist Construction of Selective Welfare Pragmatism in China, Social Policy & Administration, 51(6), 876-897.

Kühner, S. & Nakray, K. (2017) India’s Emerging Social Policy Paradigm: Productive, Protective or What?, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 10(1), 40-56.

Mok. K. H. & Kühner, S. (2017) Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Transfer in Asia (Introduction to Special Issue), Journal of Asian Public Policy, 10(1), 1-7.

Kühner, S., Devine, J. & Nakray, K. (2015)  Meeting Emerging Global Policy Challenges: Positioning Social Policy Between Development and Growth? (Introduction to Special Issue), Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 31(2), 95-99.

Kühner, S. (2015) Analysing the Productive and Protective Dimensions of Welfare in the Asia-Pacific: Pathways Towards Human Development and Income Equality?, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 31(2), 151-173. [Online Appendix .xlsx]

Hudson, J., Kühner, S. & Yang, N. (2014) Productive Welfare, the East Asian ‘Model’ and Beyond: Placing Welfare Types in Greater China into Context, Social Policy and Society, 13(2), 301-315.

Hudson, J. & Kühner, S. (2013) Beyond Indices: The Potential of Fuzzy Set Ideal Type Analysis for Cross-National Analysis of Policy Outcomes, Policy and Society, 32(4), 303-3

Hudson, J. & Kühner, S. (2013) Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Applied Public Policy Analysis: New Applications of Innovative Methods (Introduction to Special Issue), Policy and Society, 32(4), 279-287.

Hudson, J. & Kühner, S. (2012) Analyzing the Productive and Protective Dimensions of Welfare: Looking Beyond the OECD, Social Policy and Administration, 46(1), 35-60.

Kühner, S. (2010) Do Party Governments Matter After All? Executive Ideology, Constitutional Structures and Their Combined Effect on Welfare State Change, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 12(4), 395-415.

Hudson, J. & Kühner, S. (2010) Beyond the Dependent Variable Problem: The Methodological Challenges of Capturing Productive and Protective Dimensions of Social Policy, Social Policy and Society, 9(2), 167-179.

Hudson, J. & Kühner, S. (2009) Towards Productive Welfare? A Comparative Analysis of 23 OECD Countries, Journal of European Social Policy, 19(1), 34-46.

Hudson, J., Kühner, S. & Hwang, J. (2008) Between Ideas, Institutions and Interests: Analyzing Third Way Welfare Reform Programmes in Germany and the UK, Journal of Social Policy, 37(2), 207-230.

Kühner, S. (2008) The Quantitative Dimensions of Welfare State Change: Macro-Statistical Reform Trajectories Across 21 OECD Countries  (1980-2001) (in Chinese), Journal of Public Administration, 1(4), 31-57.

Kühner, S. (2007) ESPAnet/JESP Doctoral Researcher Prize Paper: Country-level Comparisons of Welfare State Change Measures: Another Facet of the Dependent Variable Problem within the Comparative Analysis of the Welfare State?, Journal of European Social Policy, 17(1), 5-18.